Writer's ID 190507
Open to suggestions
Overall ranking 4.27/5
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Technical/Humanitarian skills:
- Communications & Media
- Other
- Religion & Theology
- Political science
- Healthcare & Medicine
- E-commerce
- Finance
- Investment
- Military
- Astronomy
- Anthropology
- Marketing strategy
- Nursing
- Environmental science
- Philosophy
- Social science
- Biology
- Communication strategies
- Art
- Education
- Sports
- Theatre
- Journalism
- Trade
- Accounting
- English
- Pathogenesis of disease
- History
- Law
- Medicine & Dentistry
- Pedagogy
- Public relations
- Social work
- Movies
- International relations
- Public health
- Human resources
- Advertising
- Economics
- Sociology
- Logistics
- IT & Technology
- Literature
- Criminal justice
- Criminology
- Management
- Geography
- Music
- Culture
- Leadership
- Marketing
- Psychology
- Business
- International business
- Mental health
- Digital marketing
- Global marketing
- Public administration
- Gender studies
- Childhood studies
- Ethics
See what other clients say about this writer
You are required to write a 2500-word essay which critically analyses the following two journal articles:
That was really good work. Thanks
June 18, 2022
UK Immigration law
June 14, 2022
Spiritual Retreat Proposal
This was well presented as a proposal
June 10, 2022
Human Resource Management business proposal
Very good.
June 08, 2022
Human Resource Management business proposal
Very good
June 08, 2022
Main Characters
June 04, 2022
Police Powers UK
My go to writer all the time, writes excelent papers
June 04, 2022
‘Much of the mortgagor’s legal protection, most particularly that founded in the traditional principles of equity, is largely irrelevant to the modern context where mortgages are used to finance the purchase of the mortgagor’s home. The position is not helped because the mortgagee has ready access to favourable and extensive rights and remedies, most notably possession and sale.’ Discuss.
May 27, 2022
How do you see the ethics of choosing specific behavioral characteristics in this way? What future implications might this have?
Reaction paper
May 25, 2022
Holocaust: A Psychological Insight on Trauma and Suffering
Great incorporation of what was asked for, thankyou
May 24, 2022