Writer's ID 226466
Open to suggestions
Overall ranking 4.13/5
Completed orders:
Orders in progress:
Technical/Humanitarian skills:
- Communications & Media
- Other
- Religion & Theology
- Political science
- Healthcare & Medicine
- Health policy and law
- E-commerce
- Finance
- Investment
- Engineering
- Agriculture
- Military
- Astronomy
- Food science
- Anthropology
- Marketing strategy
- Nursing
- Environmental science
- Philosophy
- Social science
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Geology
- Biology
- Communication strategies
- Physical studies
- MS Project
- Ruby on Rails
- Education
- Sports
- Journalism
- Statistics
- Trade
- Accounting
- English
- Pathogenesis of disease
- History
- Medicine & Dentistry
- Pedagogy
- Public relations
- Social work
- International relations
- Public health
- Human resources
- Natural science
- Advertising
- Economics
- Sociology
- Logistics
- IT & Technology
- Chemistry
- Literature
- Nutrition
- Criminal justice
- Criminology
- Politics
- Physics
- Management
- Property/Real estate
- Linguistics
- Mathematics
- Geography
- Culture
- Leadership
- Quality and performance management
- Risk management
- Marketing
- Psychology
- Business
- International business
- Mental health
- Business law
- Public law
- Criminal law
- Tort law
- Land law
- Digital marketing
- Global marketing
- Public administration
- Gender studies
- Childhood studies
- Project management
- Biomedical science
- Ethics
- Aviation
- Construction
See what other clients say about this writer
Week 7
Research paper
April 12, 2021
Discussion 14: Construction
thank you
April 09, 2021
Revenue Recognition and Accounting Methods
Research paper
Thank you for the great work!
March 28, 2021
Health Policy and Health Promotion 3-4-5
Amazing, thanks
March 04, 2021
Outline the changes in migration in the UK over the past 20 years and consider the effects on employment. Discuss whether the changes have been positive or negative
Very good
February 19, 2021
The Joy Luck Club By Amy Tan
Research paper
Great understanding of directions and helped a lot on the structure. Thank you
December 15, 2020
Determine your Statistical Test
Good work
December 09, 2020
Case Decision
Personal statement
Beautiful work, very impressed, GOOD JOB! I will be saving the worker ID for the future as I would like this writer to be in charge of ALL my papers.
December 04, 2020
Create a Quantitative Procedure
Great work!
November 27, 2020
Foreign Market Attractiveness and a CAGE Analysis of Fuyao Glass in the USA
Term paper
too expensive for one paragraph
October 14, 2020