Writer's ID 3791

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See what other clients say about this writer

Project Portfolio Workplace Assessment – The Whole System
PowerPoint presentation

Amazing work as needed.

August 16, 2022

Write a summary report of your legal act

it was okay didn't cover the full legal act

June 15, 2022

Critical Synopsis of Media Item Template

Got a very good feedback and marks. Thank you so much

June 01, 2022

Germ Theory History
PowerPoint presentation

It looked really good. Thank you to my writer .

May 14, 2022

Applying Pharmacology Principals
PowerPoint presentation

Was excellently done thank you

May 10, 2022

Advances in molecular biology
Term paper

Well written and the desired information given

May 05, 2022

Corporate Governance


July 18, 2021

Telecommunications Law: Preamble Section 29 of the European Electronics Communications Code (EECC) states the intention to: ‘progressively reduce ex ante sector-specific rules as competition in the markets develops and, ultimately, to ensure that electronic communications are governed only by competition law.’ In reference to the above, discuss whether ex ante regulation is necessary in a competitive electronic communications sector.


April 27, 2021

Developing Yourself as an Effective HR/L&D Practitioner _Plan

well done

July 25, 2020

Term paper

Thank you so much . This safe my day . I really appreciate. All the best always Excellent work and on time

June 15, 2020

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